Trust strangers online

Say goodbye to scammers.
Get deals done with verified people.

4.9 App Store rating
Live in 7 countries
Built trust for 10,000+ people
Supported $1.5m+ of commerce
In communities with 3m+ members
4.9 App Store rating
Live in 7 countries
Built trust for 10,000+ people
Supported $1.5m+ of commerce
In communities with 3m+ members

Connect with confidence

No more guessing who's behind the screen.


Get verified

Everyone on goConfirm is verified with a government-issued ID. Scammers don't like that.

  • Government-issued ID
  • 3D face scan
  • Bank-grade encryption

Create a goCode

It takes less than a minute to create a goCode. Quickly create a goCode for every transaction.

  • Community entry
  • Ticket sale
  • Buy and sell goods
  • Home rental

Share the goCode

Easily copy-and-paste the goCode into your post, comment or message on your favourite platforms.

  • Facebook
  • Reddit
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
  • Discord

Connect to build trust

When someone connects to a goCode, a small amount of verified identity data is shared between them, just enough to establish trust.

  • Profile photo
  • First name
  • Platform username
  • Verification status
  • goCode description

Capture your credibility

Own and bring your reputation across Facebook groups, subreddits, and other online communities to build more trust.

  • Close deals faster
  • Works across platforms
  • Bring your "trusted seller" status with you

From raves to rentals

goConfirm is used by thousands of people across Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

goConfirm on Reddit
goConfirm on Facebook
goConfirm on WhatsApp
goConfirm in Facebook Groups
goConfirm on Facebook Messenger
goConfirm on Instagram
goConfirm in Facebook Group
goConfirm in subreddits
goConfirm in Facebook Group Chat

Purposely designed to deter online scammers

goConfirm uses cutting-edge verification to deter scammers so you can feel confident when transacting online.

  • Bank-grade verification
  • No burner accounts
  • Support law enforcement
  • Biometrically unique profiles
  • Limited geographies
  • Lifetime bans for fraud

Purposely designed to deter online scammers

goConfirm uses cutting-edge verification to deter scammers so you can feel confident when transacting online.


Government-issued ID

Every person on goConfirm is required to have a valid, government-issued ID from a select list of countries. It is checked for authenticity using hundreds of data points from visual analysis.


3D Face Scan

A quick 3D face scan matches the goConfirm user with the government-issued ID. Every person on goConfirm is biometrically unique; no burner accounts.


Authentic picture

Every profile picture uploaded is matched with the government-issued ID and 3D face scan to ensure each person is accurately representing themselves. No avatars or emoji characters.


Social usernames

When you create or connect to a goCode, you include the usernames of the social platform where you are interacting with the other person. This ensures that you are communicating with the person who is verified on goConfirm.


Support law enforcement

In the rare event that fraud is reported when both parties connected on goConfirm and a police report is filed, we will support law enforcement. Since everyone using goConfirm is verified with a government-issued ID, we can assist law enforcement in their investigation with highly actionable identity data.


Lifetime bans for fraud

Also in the rare event that fraud is reported, after an investigation is completed, goConfirm will ban the offender from the platform. Because everyone is verified using a 3D face scan, they will not be able to create another account ever again.

Run a community?
We've got your back.

We help hundreds of communities and millions of their members feel more confident when buy, selling, renting or trading.

Increasing trust for thousands in Toronto’s vibrant rave community
Toronto Rave Community
89K members
Toronto Raptors Tickets
2.5K members
20K members
1.4K members
6.3K members
goConfirm helps thousands of movie-buffs get tickets safely for Toronto Internal Film Festival
2.8K members
Helping students avoid fraudsters and find a place off-campus
University of Toronto Off-Campus
101K members
9.0K members
2.7K members

We take trust seriously

Here's our approach to build it with you.

Your data is yours. We will never share your identity data with 3rd parties without your consent.
Our product is free. In the future, we'll likely add some optional paid features.
We secure all your data with bank-grade encryption—a minimum of AES-128.

Hear from our community

Together we're bringing trust back to online interactions.

Looking for two for Queer on 9/15. Can goConfirm/Venmo/Paypal/whatever you need!! Thank you!!
Makes me feel safer as a female
I don’t typically write reviews but this app has made my life so much easier. I recently moved and had to sell a bunch of stuff on FB marketplace. As a female, I don’t usually like to meet complete strangers but this app makes me feel better since I know that everyone is who they say they are. It was very helpful during my move, and I want to tell everyone about this app so that more people use it!!
I love this App
I’ve bought many tickets in the past and have consistently worried about the validity of my transactions . GoConfirm has given me newfound confidence. Highly reco for those buying and selling.
I wish all Marketplaces enforced this!
Minecraft gamerz
I created a goConfirm account because I had to verify my identity in order to join a Facebook group as a seller. I was so impressed by how seamless the onboarding experience was and how beautiful the UI is! I can't believe marketplaces have not enforced this before, it would help protect so many identity attacks and scams!
Great way to feel confident about your transaction
Graham McBride
Great way to feel confident about your transaction
Toronto Rave Community
Jodie A.
I have never bought tickets before in this group because of all the horror stories ... I bought tickets seamlessly using the goConfirm code.
Super smooth
Darian Zigante
Selling a kitchen table. Setting up the whole transaction here was super smooth. Totally get why you'd want to go a more verified route like with this app.
Really easy identity check
Mani F
When I'm buying or selling more expensive items, I always want to know who I'm meeting with. Too many scams and risks out there. This app made it dead simple and you can't beat free.
Very good app! Very secure.
Very good app! Very secure.
Incredible product
Finding goConfirm has been a blessing. The app is a game changer for any sort of product being sold and needs to be verified as well promoting industry. Their improvements along the way shows how dedicated their team is and excited to see what they have coming down the line next!

Get verified in minutes

It takes less than 2 minutes to start creating or joining goCodes and built trust online.

Get goConfirm
Get goConfirm

Frequently asked questions

The most common questions we hear about goConfirm.

Is my information private?

Yes. Your face scan scan, and government ID document will never be used for anything other than identity verification. When you create and choose to share a goCode, verified users who connect with you will be able to see your photo, first name, and relevant details you've included like your platform usernames.

At goConfirm we take the trust and privacy of our users seriously. Many thousands of users on Facebook, Reddit, Discord and Whatsapp have confidently used goConfirm to establish trust with other users by ensuring they know who they are interacting with online. This is accomplished through an initial one-time ID verification process, and then a user-controlled process that allows for a small amount of verified information to be shared with others they are interested in transacting with.

Our identity verification partner is used by LinkedIn, Lyft, and Etsy among hundreds of other established companies with millions of users. For more information, you can review our privacy policy.

Where can I use goConfirm?

You’ll only have to verify your identity once, and after that you can use goConfirm anywhere you want to add trust.

This includes purchases, sales, trades and more in Facebook Groups, Subreddits, on Instagram, Discord, WhatsApp and Facebook Marketplace. Just create a goCode and share it with your potential buyers or sellers, wherever you might be.

How much does it cost?

goConfirm is free for individuals - our plan is to always provide base trust services between consumers for free.

In the future we plan on adding optional paid features that can add even more trust when you are interacting with businesses. You own and control your data - we will never sell it to advertisers.

What is a goCode?

A goCode is a unique code used to invite others to connect with you in relation to a transaction for a specific product, listing, or service. Others who view the goCode can preview, get verified, and then connect with you to exchange verified information. When you make a connection, you will exchange verified information so you can feel more confident proceeding with the transaction.

How do you deter fraud?

We deter fraudsters and scammers in a few different ways.

  • We offer a bank-grade verification process that thoroughly checks for fraud signals
  • You are only able to create one goConfirm account per identity, meaning no burner accounts—they are biometrically unique
  • We limit geographies on the platform to prevent offshore scams
  • In the event an issue is reported for which a police report is filed, we support investigation by law enforcement
  • We issue lifetime bans for any verifiable ill-intentioned activity on the platform

Don't see your question here? Contact us


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