We believe in a future where online trust is easy
While brainstorming when starting goConfirm, we were able to leverage a lot of knowledge from our past experiences.
Working in financial technology (fintech) companies, we were very familiar with KYC (Know Your Customer) and KYB (Know Your Business) regulatory requirements meant to protect businesses against fraud, money laundering and other illegal activities.
Increasingly though, we had all directly experienced or heard first hand accounts of friends and family who had been scammed - renting an apartment, buying or selling tickets, renting a vacation property or transacting on a marketplace like Facebook.
This is two sides of the same coin - both use fake, stolen or hidden identities to perpetrate fraud, the first against a business, the other against individuals like us. And while businesses are using increasingly sophisticated technologies to protect against these risks, we individuals have very few tools available. We look at things like how old a Facebook account is, or the karma of a Reddit account. We snoop their social profiles looking for clues of legitimacy. Or we rely on others to vouch for the credibility of the person we wish to transact with.
We aim to fill this gap.
Using state of the art reusable identity technologies secured using bank-grade security, we give individuals the ability to take ownership and control of their verified digital identity. We then give them a simple way to bring it with them, exchanging just enough verified identity data with others to establish trust.
We envision a future where verified reusable identity (and eventually other verified information) will be available to individuals for use in all their trusted interactions, ranging from social media to financial services, talent management and commerce.